How does our waitlist work?
At Regal Doodles, we utilize a master waitlist. Every depositor, no matter what their preferences are, go onto the same waitlist. When a litter is born, we will announce the litter to the depositors. At that time, depositors can decide to move their deposit to that litter or to keep it on the master waitlist to wait for a future litter. When the puppies are 1 week old, I will let everyone who was interested in the litter know if they have a spot on the litter and what pick number they will be. Pick numbers are given based on the date the deposit was received. If a depositor on the master list decides to move to a litter after the 1 week mark, they will be placed after the depositors that had moved to that litter prior to the 1 week mark, regardless of date the deposit was received. Also, please note, Regal Doodles always reserves 1st choice for a breeder pick.
Here is an example of how the list works using some fictional families. We will use the Reddy family who deposited on 12/3/19, the Thompson family who deposited on 5/6/20 and the Salcedo family who deposited 2/27/21.
Master Waitlist
- Reddy (12/3/19)
- Thompson (5/6/20)
- Salcedo (2/27/21)
Our fictional dog Fifi has a litter and I announce to all depositors. The Reddy family and the Salcedo family are both interested. The Thompson family does not respond. At one week old, I create the pick order for the litter which would look like this:
Pick order for Fifi’s litter:
- Breeder pick
- Reddy (12/3/19)
- Salcedo (2/27/21)
At 3 weeks of age the Thompson family decides that Fifi’s puppies are the cutest things ever and they really would like a puppy. The Thompson family replied after the pick order was established so they are now at the bottom of the list even though they deposited prior to the Salcedo family.
Pick order for Fifi’s litter:
- Breeder pick
- Reddy (12/3/19)
- Salcedo (2/27/21)
- Thompson (5/6/20)
At any point in time, a depositor can request to move back to the master waitlist. Depositors can NOT be on more than one litter list at a time.
Please visit our Puppies Page for more information about pricing, deposits and choosing.